ArtWriting Turkey: Interview Workshop

ArtWriting Turkey (AWT), which focuses on art writing, continues with an interview workshop. The workshop, which will be realized with the leadership of Elvin Vural, the editor of the market at IstanbulArtNews, Fisun Yalçınkaya, the editor of plastic arts of the Milliyet newspaper magazine, and Yasemin Elçi, the founder of the SanatOnline website, will discuss about conducting interviews in different channels. The panel, which will be held on Wednesday, June 8, between 19:00-20:30, will discuss how the interviews with different actors in the field of culture and art should have a framework. The participants will be assigned a list of different interviews for different channels. In the second session, which will be held on Wednesday, June 22 from 19:00-20:30, the workshop managers will evaluate the participants' interviews and correct them and share their comments personally. Finally, some of the interviews prepared at the workshop will be published on SanatOnline site and Mixer's blog.

Participation in the workshop is free and limited to 12 people. In order to participate, you need to send an e-mail to with the topic title "AWT Interview Workshop" on Sunday, June 5th at 6:00 pm to share your resume and a paragraph of motivation letter.