Exhibition Talk: Living Installations


Date: Thursday, 19 December 2019

Hour: 17.00-18:00

Mixer organizing an exhibition talk about interactive art through the ongoing Lumin | Living Installation exhibition in the project room. You are invitated to talk within the participation of the exhibition artist Ahmet Said Kaplan and moderated by N.Cihan Çankaya on Thursday December 19, between 17.00 and 18.00.

*The talk will be in Turkish.

Lumin I Living Installation

Bioluminescence beings, in order to communicate with their surroundings, use the light that they spread. Among those beings, one of the most special ones, found only in the caves of New Zealand and the source of inspiration to the work, is the “Arachnocampa Luminosa”. Lumin Experience enables the visitors, while carrying them into the caves, to physically interact with the setting that is digitally simulated. Without containing a static video recorded or produced, this installation, just like Arachnocampa Luminosa producing light instantly without getting its power from any light source, lids by itself when interacted with the visitor. When the visitor leaves the room and if there is no interaction, it stops spreading light.

Phone: 0212 243 54 43

Web: www.mixerarts.com

E-mail: info@mixerarts.com

Address: Mixer, Mumhane St, No:46-50, Karaköy, Beyoglu, İST